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Genetic Risk Factors in Drug‐Induced Liver Injury Due to Isoniazid‐Containing Antituberculosis Drug Regimens

Nicoletti, Paola; Devarbhavi, Harshad; Goel, Ashish; Venkatesan, Radha; Eapen, Chundamannil E.; Grove, Jane I.; Zafer, Samreen; Bjornsson, Einar; Lucena, M. Isabel; Andrade, Raul J.; Pirmohamed, Munir; Wadelius, Mia; Larrey, Dominique; Maitland-van der Zee, Anke-Hilse; Ibanez, Luisa; Watkins, Paul B.; Daly, Ann K.; Aithal, Guruprasad P.

Genetic Risk Factors in Drug‐Induced Liver Injury Due to Isoniazid‐Containing Antituberculosis Drug Regimens Thumbnail


Paola Nicoletti

Harshad Devarbhavi

Ashish Goel

Radha Venkatesan

Chundamannil E. Eapen

Samreen Zafer

Einar Bjornsson

M. Isabel Lucena

Raul J. Andrade

Munir Pirmohamed

Mia Wadelius

Dominique Larrey

Anke-Hilse Maitland-van der Zee

Luisa Ibanez

Paul B. Watkins

Ann K. Daly


Drug‐induced liver injury (DILI) is a complication of treatment with anti‐tuberculosis (TB) drugs, especially in isoniazid‐containing regimens. To investigate genetic risk factors, we performed a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) involving anti‐TB DILI cases (55 Indian, 70 European) and controls (1199 Indian, 10397 European). Most cases were treated with a standard anti‐TB drug regimen; all received isoniazid. We imputed single nucleotide polymorphism and HLA genotypes and performed trans‐ethnic meta‐analysis on GWAS and candidate gene genotypes. GWAS found one significant association (rs117491755) in Europeans only. For HLA, HLA‐B*52:01 was significant (meta‐analysis odds ratio (OR) 2.67; 95%CI 1.63‐4.37; P=9.4x10‐5). For N‐acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2), NAT2*5 frequency was lower in cases (OR 0.69; 95%CI 0.57‐0.83, P=0.01). NAT2*6 and NAT2*7 were more common, with homozygotes for NAT2*6 and/or NAT2*7 enriched among cases (OR 1.89; 95%CI 0.84‐4.22; P=0.004). We conclude HLA genotype makes a small contribution to TB drug‐related DILI and that the NAT2 contribution is complex, but consistent with previous reports when differences in the metabolic effect of NAT2*5 compared with those of NAT2*6 and NAT2*7 are considered.


Nicoletti, P., Devarbhavi, H., Goel, A., Venkatesan, R., Eapen, C. E., Grove, J. I., Zafer, S., Bjornsson, E., Lucena, M. I., Andrade, R. J., Pirmohamed, M., Wadelius, M., Larrey, D., Maitland-van der Zee, A.-H., Ibanez, L., Watkins, P. B., Daly, A. K., & Aithal, G. P. (2021). Genetic Risk Factors in Drug‐Induced Liver Injury Due to Isoniazid‐Containing Antituberculosis Drug Regimens. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 109(4), 1125-1135.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 15, 2020
Online Publication Date Dec 5, 2020
Publication Date 2021-04
Deposit Date Oct 22, 2020
Publicly Available Date Dec 6, 2021
Journal Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Print ISSN 0009-9236
Electronic ISSN 1532-6535
Publisher American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 109
Issue 4
Pages 1125-1135
Keywords drug-induced liver injury, HLA genes, adverse drug reactions, genetic polymorphisms, N-acetyltransferase 2, isoniazid
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Received: 2020-07-20; Accepted: 2020-10-15; Published: 2020-12-05


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